Global Reach / Europe

Europe Hub

Blue Star Strategies, LLC operates across Europe and is based in Washington, DC.


Blue Star Strategies, SAS operates in Paris and Brussels and is part of the Blue Star Strategies, LLC global network.

“Empowering Europe’s future through informed public affairs”

Continental Europe


Based in Washington, D.C. Blue Star Strategies, LLC operates across Europe, delivering expert government relations and public affairs services to a diverse clientele. Our expertise spans the private sector, multilaterals, and international institutions (UN, OECD, OSCE, NATO, EBRD), professional and industry organizations, as well as unions and trade associations. We navigate and assist clients through complex political and regulatory landscapes across the continent. Blue Star Strategies, LLC serves as the primary gateway for U.S. companies expanding to the European continent as well as international companies and institutions that need support within Europe.

The European Union and France


Based in Paris and Brussels, Blue Star Strategies, SAS has extensive experience in assisting clients with defining and executing game-changing strategies to advance their interests in the public discourse, both at the national level in France and the EU institutions. Working in collaboration with a select group of highly regarded experts, including public relations firms, press agencies, economic intelligence firms, economists, and law firms, we excel in building and coordinating the best teams to ensure our clients’ success. Blue Star Strategies, SAS is registered in the Transparency Register of the European Union, in the directory of interest representatives of the HATVP (High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life) and is a member of the AFCL (Association Française des Conseils en Lobbying).


Regional Services

Public Affairs Strategy Design

Crafting comprehensive plans for organizations to effectively engage with and influence public opinion, government policies, and regulatory decisions to achieve our clients’ objectives.

Public Affairs Due Diligence and Intelligence

Conducting thorough research and analysis to assess political, regulatory, and public opinion factors that may impact our clients’ operations.

Reputational Management

Craft strategies to preserve, enhance, or repair a client's public image and perception among stakeholders and the broader public.

Policy Analysis and Monitoring

Continuous tracking and analysis of legislative and regulatory developments to keep clients informed about relevant changes and their potential impact on their business or industry.

Stakeholder Engagement

Build relationships with key stakeholders, including government officials, industry leaders, NGOs, and policymakers to advance client objectives.

Market Entry and Expansion

Advise companies on entering or expanding within European markets, including navigating legal and regulatory requirements.

Regional Leadership

Europe Hub Contact

Office Addresses:

13, rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris, France

Square de Meeûs 38/40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

888 17th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC, USA 20006

Phone Numbers:

+ 33 1 82 83 39 89

+ 32 2 401 6145

+1 202 833 1281


December 2023

Election Update: Poland Parliamentary Elections

On October 15, Poland held parliamentary elections that stunned officials with a 73% voter turnout, the highest since the fall of communism in 1989.

December 2023

Election Update: Slovakia Parliamentary Elections

On September 30, Slovakia held parliamentary elections to elect its fifth prime minister in four years after a series of weak coalition governments.

December 2023

EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

The EU’s planned due diligence rules remain a divisive issue, especially in business circles.

December 2023

EU Update: A Reshuffled European Commission for Ursula Von der Leyen’s Last Year

Under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission has entered its final year of the current legislative term with a slightly reshuffled team.

December 2023

Moving Beyond Crisis: Creating a More Prosperous and Resilient Europe

Hosted in Slovakia’s Tatra mountains, the forum serves as a key convener for EU policymakers to discuss global issues facing the region and the future of the European Union and of Transatlanticism.

December 2023

Political Climate in France after Pension Reform

On April 14, the French Constitutional Council approved the key provisions of the controversial pension reform law.

December 2023

Sweden’s Third EU Presidency – An Interview with Björn Arvidsson, Head of Trade and Economic Affairs at the Swedish Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Interview with Björn Arvidsson on the Swedish government’s perspectives on some of the topics related to Sweden’s EU presidency.

contact us

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regarding our services.