
Permítanos guiarlo, conectarlo,
y solucionar sus problemas

Blue Star Strategies asesora a clientes corporativos, institucionales y del sector público en asuntos externos y política de seguridad e internacional, así como en servicios de investigación y análisis, y elaboración de estrategias globales de desarrollo empresarial.

nuestro enfoque

Alianza estratégica

Durante más de 15 años, nuestros clientes a nivel mundial han confiado en nosotros para ayudarles a construir relaciones estratégicas con diversos actores y lograr sus objetivos en materia de política, inversión y recursos. Siempre estamos disponibles para asesorarles, representarles y resolver sus problemas.

Clientes Globales

Trabajamos con líderes del sector público y privado para resolver sus desafíos en política e inversión en Estados Unidos, Europa, Latinoamérica, el Caribe y demás mercados alrededor del mundo, con sedes en Washington, DC, París y Bruselas, pero con alcance global.

Atención Personalizada

Nuestros socios principales están completamente comprometidos y supervisan personalmente todo el desarrollo de un proyecto, liderando un equipo de profesionales con años de experiencia en gobierno, negocios, organizaciones multilaterales y sin fines de lucro. Para nosotros, el cliente siempre es la prioridad.

Enfocados en Resultados

Ponemos las preocupaciones y objetivos de nuestros clientes en primer plano frente a los tomadores de decisiones y audiencias específicas, garantizando así resultados concretos y visibles. Siempre cumplimos y hacemos el trabajo necesario para lograr el objetivo.


Ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios de planificación estratégica, asuntos públicos, análisis de políticas, evaluación de riesgos políticos y económicos, participación actores y relaciones gubernamentales.

Administramos y evaluamos los riesgos asociados a acciones gubernamentales o cambios de política.

Soluciones de relaciones internacionales para guiar a nuestros clientes en las complejidades de los negocios transfronterizos.

Cumplimiento normativo en diferentes países para alinear a los clientes con las leyes y regulaciones locales.

Involucramiento de actores para informar a nuestros clientes sobre la evolución de sus respectivos sectores y mejorar su imagen.

Asesoría a gobiernos sobre la adhesión de países a organizaciones internacionales.

Asesoría estratégica a clientes sobre relaciones gubernamentales y estrategias de asuntos públicos.

Asesoría a empresas del sector privado en su expansión internacional.

Apoyar a nuestros clientes durante desafíos o crisis específicos que involucran regulaciones, políticas o reputación.

Abogacía y lobbying en nombre de clientes ante funcionarios y agencias gubernamentales.

Análisis e investigación en profundidad sobre políticas, regulaciones y su impacto potencial para nuestros clientes.

Casos de éxito

Fortalecimiento de las Relaciones Bilaterales
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Legislación sobre Preferencias Comerciales de EE. UU.
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Libertad de prensa
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Superar los obstáculos comerciales
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Partido Político de Oposición
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Servicios Financieros Extranjeros
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“We have worked with Blue Star Strategies seamlessly since its inception as a firm. Whether helping us make rational business decisions, contributing to our planning processes, providing honest advice and guidance, or opening doors in the United States and internationally, they have become an integral part of our team.»

Doug Minster

Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs - ATN International

Blue Star Strategies has been an invaluable partner in building and delivering on our policy agenda.  They are masters at connecting us with the right people at exactly the right time, and at making sure we consistently act strategically and proactively. We feel very fortunate to work with people who are both experienced and effective, and also care deeply about helping us succeed.»

Heather Joseph

Executive Director of SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)

Blue Star Strategies offers more first rate strategic vision, attention to a client’s projects, issue resolution, and meaningful relationship networking than any other governmental consultant we have used anywhere. Their energy and passion, combined with excellent and continuing governmental relationships in the countries they handle as well as with the U.S. government at all levels has led to great results over and over again.»

Jan Jones

Board Member, Caesars Entertainment.

Blue Star Strategies‘ high level of professionalism, outstanding dedication, far-reaching connections, and deep understanding of how Washington, DC works helped Handelsblatt manage a successful conference. This was only possible because of their assistance, which selected the appropriate venue, contacted the relevant decision makers, and moderated our press conference, creating a seamless, successful experience.»

Gabor Steingart

Chairman - Handelsblatt GLOBAL

“In our work, we often remind clients and partners that policy change at any level comes down to relationships. The team at Blue Star Strategies helped us to use limited resources more efficiently and build strong relationships that matter.»

David Devlin-Foltz

Director, Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program - THE ASPENN INSTITUTE

“We are deeply grateful to Blue Star Strategies for its many contributions that enabled a successful celebration event and commemorative concert in a beautiful venue. Their deep connections and capability in the United States, including in the Executive and Legislative branches of government and with the new U.S. administration supported this key initiative of ours, which generated a tremendous amount of attention and goodwill for our company and our community.»

Fabio Dal Boni

Communications Department - LANE salini impregilo

“What has impressed me the most in my many years of working closely with the Blue Star Strategies team is their geographical breadth. From Eastern Europe to the Middle East to Central America, they are always able to deftly navigate the geopolitical waters.»

Alex Cranberg


“Blue Star Strategies has been a major asset in supporting OIC International’s efforts to raise our visibility within the international donor community in Washington, DC and among our corporate partners. Their strategic guidance and comprehensive knowledge is invaluable to our organization and we are thankful for the sound advice they provided in helping build strong and lasting relationships with key audiences.»

Crispian Kirk

President & CEO - OIC International

“Blue Star Strategies has been a key and trusted partner helping us identify international donors and grow our sustainable energy business in Africa. We deeply appreciate their creativity, expertise, and extensive networks and the passion and commitment they bring to see our efforts come to fruition.»

Ali Divani

Chief Operating Officer - MOZAMBIQUE RENEWABLES

“Blue Star Strategies has an unbeatable track record in combining the very best of strategic planning with positive results. As far as I’m concerned, Karen Tramontano and her team walk on water.»

Kathy Bonk

Executive Director - CCMC

“Working with the Blue Star Strategies team has been critical to our efforts to shape policy in emerging markets regarding patient access to medicines for rare and ultra-rare diseases. Their team is uniquely qualified and positioned to provide high-level strategic insight and advice and are responsive and committed to success.»

Heidi Wagner

Senior Vice President, Global Government Affairs - Alexion

“It has been an absolute pleasure to partner with Blue Star Strategies to advance the policy and legal objectives of clients. It has given me the opportunity to watch their team in action—the way they skillfully interact with and advocate on behalf of clients—and to do meaningful work every day around the world in intensely challenging and complex environments. They have extraordinary instincts and judgment and are among the most deeply trusted advisors I have known.»

William T. O'Brien

Partner and U.S. Practice Chair, International Dispute Resolution - DENTONS

“The team at Blue Star Strategies is comprised of distinguished experts with great insights in global politics, international growth strategies, and economic development. They have built an amazing network that they put to work for the projects they take on. Their dedication and excellence is not just a mission statement but what they strive to deliver for their clients every day.»

Yvonne Bendinger-Rothschild

Executive Director - European american chamber of commerce

“We have been collaborating with BSS since our entry into the US market. I highly value their ability to analyze the situation, precise approach, and ability to engage key players which greatly help us in our vision to transform the area of critical minterals mining towards sustainability. I appreciate their flexibility, dedication, and honesty.”

Petr Pudil

Chair, Draslovka

“Having worked with the expert team at Blue Star Strategies for several years, we continue to seek their counsel, collaboration, and expert strategic vision. We enjoy our partnership with the team and appreciate their continued support.”

Natalie Jordan

Senior Vice President - Cultural Care Au Pair